Monday, September 9, 2013

'Ya got trouble, my friend, right here.' Disappointment, anger, chagrin, shame, sadness, smoldering rage and a sense of betrayal as Westfield State University's embattled President Evan Dobelle faces the music, man, about his egregious spending habits. And those aren't even the worst part of this developing scandal.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. "Professor" Harold Hill was broke, skinned, impecunious,  the s ...

It’s been a long, a long-time coming.’ A man, a heart stronger than metal, his choice, our challenge, singing out to ensure that change is gonna come. The Louisville Interdenominational Male Chorus in its 27th year.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. It has just gone 7 a.m. here in Cambridge. It is one of  those ...

Solidarity with Arianna Huffington and her timely views on user generated content and online 'trolls', the people who use anonymous comments to denigrate, destroy, defame and demoralize. Stand up and be counted as we make the Internet a far, far better place.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. Over the course of the last three years, I have written  over 1 ...

Your Own Instant Software Store - 3 Simple Steps!

Imagine now owning your own high valueonline business, all setup and ready togo with 9 prebuilt products with ...

Monday, August 19, 2013

How can we let this happen? Sad days of outrage, chagrin and disappointmentfor Abraham Lincoln, his works, his words, his place in history. Rise up, America,rise up. A great man, a great president, a great citizen has need of you now!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. The clock has just gone 2 of the morning and I have now returned f ...

Interview with George Kosch, co-founder of Worldprofit Inc. on the occasion of the company's 19th Birthday

George Kosch is one of the three co-founders of home business training company Worldprofit Inc., that this month ...

Interview with George Kosch, co-founder of Worldprofit Inc. on the occasion of the company's 19th Birthday

George Kosch is one of the three co-founders of home business training company Worldprofit Inc., that this month ...

Review of LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with marketing expert and Worldprofit co-founder, George Kosch. Aug 16, 2013

Review of LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Aug 16, 2013George's introductory remarks we ...

So, what is it about the great Volunteer State of Tennessee anyway... the land where evolution is suspect and activist judges like Lu Ann Ballew decide what name you can give your kid. This story's a lulu...

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. The folks in Newport, Tennessee, (7,242 residents at  the time ...

So, what is it about the great Volunteer State of Tennessee anyway... the land where evolution is suspect and activist judges like Lu Ann Ballew decide what name you can give your kid. This story's a lulu...

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. The folks in Newport, Tennessee, (7,242 residents at  the time ...

Your Own Instant Software Store - 3 Simple Steps!

Imagine now owning your own high valueonline business, all setup and ready togo with 9 prebuilt products with ...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch Aug 9, 2013

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch August 9, 2013.This is a basic review of the LIVE train ...

'Barrack and me, and Eddie makes three/ we're happy in my blue heaven.' Obama,Putin and Snowden, their menage a trois, the most riveting story of the year, with lots more scandal to come.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. Call me irresponsible... call me capricious... call me shiftles ...

Infinite Leads and $40 per month a POP

Imagine an online system thatgets other people *excited* tosend YOU leads and commissions...And that's PR ...

Monday, August 5, 2013

'With every move he makes another chance he takes/ Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow.' Edward Snowden, a 'patriot' in exile

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. In the autumn of 1968 I pulled off something no American had ever ...

The life and times of Helen Thomas, pioneering reporter, columnist, conscienceof the Great Republic, dead at 92, July 17, 2013 a tribute to a colleague, and an admonition.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. This is an unabashed tribute to a great reporter and  trenchant ...

'Ne Me Quitte Pas'. (Don't leave me!) 'Il faut oublier'. (It's necessary to forget!)Thoughts on Belgium, the Coburg kings, the endless bickering and malice, and the brilliance of Brel, dazzling, incomparable Brel.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. I was eighteen or so when I became aware of Jacques  Brel.... a ...

So you want to be a CEO. Think again! Newly discovered manuscript by Scarlet O'Hara tells all... and you'll be shocked and aghast at what she reveals about life at the top of the business heap.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Author's program note. Is there a person alive (or at least a movie goer) who doesn't  ...

YOU can NOW be like Groupon and Create Your Own

I'm sure you've seen websites like Groupon and AppSumo,that put together special "deals" where people get top ...

Monday, July 22, 2013

'Til death do us part.' Maybe. The strange menage of JoAnn Nichols and herexacting husband James.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Being that I am a well-known commentator of many years standing, f ...

10 Habits of Highly Successful Online Marketers

By George Kosch1. Successful online marketers know that marketing must be done as consistently as possible. M ...

10 Habits of Highly Successful Online Marketers

By George Kosch1. Successful online marketers know that marketing must be done as consistently as possible. M ...

This BLEW my mind

I've gotta say I'm green with envy right now.This dude really has it all.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutio ...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Learn How YOU Can Make Money From Fiverr

Learn To Start Building An Online Income!It's possible and you can get it all herein ONE simple to follow v ...

Learn How YOU Can Make Money From Fiverr

Learn To Start Building An Online Income!It's possible and you can get it all herein ONE simple to follow v ...

You oughta be in pictures... and with the help of this article, you will be, beautiful.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I was doing one of those thankless tasks that is the result of aff ...

'Til death do us part.' Maybe. The strange menage of JoAnn Nichols and herexacting husband James.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Being that I am a well-known commentator of many years standing, f ...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Home Business Has Never Been This Easy To Understand

A lot of people think that operating a home business is something that is hard to do, but it's actually something ...

Home Business Has Never Been This Easy To Understand

A lot of people think that operating a home business is something that is hard to do, but it's actually something ...

Hints And Helpful Ideas For The Home Business Owner

Running a home business is an exciting venture. It can be a little scary, too. There are so many things to learn ...

Having A Successful Home Based Business Made Easy

There are numerous reasons why you might be interested in starting your own home-based business, along with a gre ...

Get Help With Debt Consolidation Right Here

You don't want to be saddled with debt for the rest of your life. You can't have creditors banging at your door o ...

Everything You Should Know About Debt Consolidation

Many people have gotten themselves into a situation where they have become overwhelm with their finances. These p ...

Debt Consolidation The Best Article On The Topic Is Here

Debt is a four letter word none of us like to think about. The fact is that the less you think about it, the more ...

Debt Consolidation Comprehensive Knowledge You Just Have To Have

Not all of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouths. Truthfully, even those who have lots of money aren't ne ...

Debt Consolidation Advice You Should Be Using

Solving the issue of overwhelming outstanding debt can sometimes seem like an impossibility. However, as long as ...

Click Here To Read All About Debt Consolidation

It is a struggle to get out of debt. Some people do things without thinking when they are in a bad financial spot ...

You oughta be in pictures... and with the help of this article, you will be, beautiful.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I was doing one of those thankless tasks that is the result of aff ...

Learn to Publish Your Hot Selling eBooks to Amazon Kindle...And Reach the Massive Kindle Market

Sales Fact: There's a HUGE demand for the AmazonKindle.That's right...On November 19, 2007, Amazon rele ...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

[Video] Outsourcing Your Tedious Tasks to Freelancers From Craigslist

FACT:Outsourcing and hiring people is a signthat your company is growing.BIG PROBLEM:The following ...

Monday, July 8, 2013

"... our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." Independence Day, 2013. "From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans white with foam...."

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. She made the request as if she thought I might deny it, as if I mi ...

Worldprofit’s Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch, July 5, 2013

Marketing expert and bootcamp instructor George Kosch welcomed Worldprofit members to the LIVE training session. ...

uh oh - Facebook just screwed Google Adwords!

Howdy Folks,10 years ago, one man helped shape an entire work at home industry ...Chris Carpenter's new v ...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The revolution dead ahead. A whole new approach to 'school days, school days/ Dear old Golden Rule days.' 'Ah! ca ira, ca ira, ca ira'. It'll be fine!

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant .Author's program note. Ca ira is pronounced "saa ee rah" and means "it'll be fine". You' ...

uh oh - Facebook just screwed Google Adwords!

Howdy Folks,10 years ago, one man helped shape an entire work at home industry ...Chris Carpenter's new v ...

Monday, June 24, 2013

In the Red Drawing Room, June 14, 2013...... At ease, at home, all thoughts of you.

Author's program note. When was the last time you ensconced yourself in a favorite space and wrote a letter with ...

Delicious new developments in the riveting matter of 'Dr' Bogus Berlowicz asfinger pointing escalates at the abashed American Academy of Arts and Sciences.And don't we love it?

Author's program note. Funny how memory works. I hadn't thought of this incident for years... it concerned one of ...

uh oh - Facebook just screwed Google Adwords!

Howdy Folks,10 years ago, one man helped shape an entire work at home industry ...Chris Carpenter's new v ...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

uh oh - Facebook just screwed Google Adwords!

Howdy Folks,10 years ago, one man helped shape an entire work at home industry ...Chris Carpenter's new v ...

Monday, June 17, 2013

'Some of these days, Oh, you'll miss me honey... your big fat mamma!' 'Dr.' Leslie Berlowitz' nonexistent doctorate roils one of the nation's most respected institutions and the 'little people' get their revenge.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Remember Leona Helmsley (1920-2007), widely known as "the Queen of Me ...

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch June 14, 2013.

George Kosch, bootcamp instructor welcomed Worldprofit Members to the LIVE training session.The number one qu ...

'Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me,' but only if you give them R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant .Author's program note.  I wrote this article because of the appalling news emanating f ...

Are you sick of dieting? WITHOUT SUCCESS!!

Have you heard of the diet yo-yo? Most people trying to lose weight have.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutions.c ...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Important message from the IRS to all taxpayers, 'tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999! You pay for everything but you can't come! Enjoy!'

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I was thinking of the Honorable Barack today and of how chagrine ...

Are you sick of dieting? WITH NO RESULTS?

Have you heard of the diet yo-yo? Most people trying to lose weight have.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutions ...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Perfecting the fine art of complaining.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Oh, my, she was angry, angry to the point of bursting, to the ...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

IQ Test

Hey again .....Listen you really don't need an IQ Test to tell youthat people are making un-beleivable am ...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Review: Home Business Bootcamp LIVE training session May 17, 2013 with Marketing Expert George Kosch.

Home Business Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch welcomed participants to the online training program.The be ...

Big screw-up at the IRS, the agency we love to hate. What's going on, why it'simportant and why eternal vigilance is absolutely necessary.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Let's be clear about something right from the start: the current ...

the money is in the __________​_!

Want to know the simple answer to thatso often asked question?Go Here Now!==  http://www.purelevera ...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

lets cut the HYPE!

Okay so you have been on my newsletter foralmost a couple weeks now and I really wantto cut through ALL the ...

Monday, May 13, 2013

'What'll I do/When you are far away/And I am blue/What'll I do?' The van Otterloo bequest.

by Dr. Jeffrey LantAuthor's program note. Before you dip into this article, I ask you to consider a situati ...

'Talk to me, baby won't you talk to me?' Boomer suicide rate alarms. Dr. Spock never prepared us for this.

by Dr. Jeffrey LantAuthor's program note. Right from the start we were different, special, the apple of eve ...

'Talk to me, baby won't you talk to me?' Boomer suicide rate alarms. Dr. Spock never prepared us for this.

by Dr. Jeffrey LantAuthor's program note. Right from the start we were different, special, the apple of eve ...

Did you call me?

Chances are I was already talking with someoneelse that was taking action and realizing the dreamof making ...

Sunday, May 12, 2013

dude.. answer the phone!

Hey there again ....I sent an email yesterday about Pure Leverage and askedpeople to call me with any que ...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

We need to talk...

Sorry to be so forward!But we really need to talk .....You see the TRUTH is all I am doing is grabbing ...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Finally, I found a company that is paying out 100% commissions on all product sales!

Please check out this NEW and EXCITING "Instant Reseller" program!Loaded with true internet based products th ...

he he .. diabolical​! :-)

Welcome to the Inside of  Pure LeverageHome of a true 100% commission payout! :-) ... You are about t ...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Internet Marketing, Can You Make Money Online?

Hi there,I wanted to take a minute and Thank you for participating in myinternet marketing newsletter! ...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Why You Need The 'Pure Leverage'

Are you ready for your breakthrough?I mean are you truly ready to receive thewealth you deserve? ...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What is Pure Leverage???

You might be wondering to yourself,“What is Pure Leverage, and whatcan it do for me?”Let me address ...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Finally a dynamic powerful tools suite that pays YOU

Hi Friend,- Does Aweber pay you for your mailing?- Does Amazon pay you for your videos, and video storage ...

Monday, April 29, 2013

Forex Breakout System

Forex Breakout SystemAre you willing to get into Forex trading business? If you're really considering this as ...

6 Practical Email Marketing Tactics for Successful Business Campaigns

6 Practical Email Marketing Tactics for Successful Business CampaignsIn these times where information technol ...

6 Practical Email Marketing Tactics for Successful Business Campaigns

6 Practical Email Marketing Tactics for Successful Business CampaignsIn these times where information technol ...

Guideline for Being Happy in Life

Guideline for Being Happy in LifePeople generally feel that others are happier than them. Getting jealous on ...

How to Network on Twitter to Drive Traffic

How to Network on Twitter to Drive TrafficWhen Twitter was launched, nobody ever knew that this was going to ...

Parents - Follow These Tips to Encourage Your Children towards Weight Loss

Parents - Follow These Tips to Encourage Your Children towards Weight LossIncreasing obesity and difficult we ...

Seeking the Truth to Improve Your Personal Life

Seeking the Truth to Improve Your Personal LifeMendacities are the start of our troubles. When we lie, we bui ...

Proper Rest to Improve your Personal Life

Proper Rest to Improve your Personal LifeHow to rest properlyWhen wanting to improve our life you may want t ...

Proper Rest to Improve your Personal Life

Proper Rest to Improve your Personal LifeHow to rest properlyWhen wanting to improve our life you may want t ...

Accepting to Improve your Personal Life

Accepting to Improve your Personal LifeDo you have the ability to accept the things you can change and the th ...

Learn the Finest Ways of Controlling Your Mind

Learn the Finest Ways of Controlling Your MindAre you still worried about controlling your mind? If yes then ...

'Aisle be seeing you in all the old familiar places.' Thoughts on efficiency, radishes, and unlikely friendships that enrich lives.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. If you're English or an aging subject in one of the great Domini ...

'and the ladies they will all turn out.' How war came to Main Street enlistingevery single one of us. Some thoughts.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I was restless the evening of April 18 and so did what I almost ...

Review: Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, broadcast LIVE April 26, 2013

George Kosch started the April 26th, Home Business Bootcamp at 10 AM CT welcoming all Worldprofit Members.G ...

Are you sick of dieting? with NO SUCCESS!!

Have you heard of the diet yo-yo? Most people trying to lose weight have.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutions ...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

this is ridiculous

I've got so much on my plate this week, it's silly but Isimply had to take some time off to watch this video. ...

'Aisle be seeing you in all the old familiar places.' Thoughts on efficiency, radishes, and unlikely friendships that enrich lives.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. If you're English or an aging subject in one of the great Domini ...

'Ma, I'm hurt real bad.' Boston. April 15, 2013.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. To experience the joy of spring in New England and in its first ...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Review: April 19, 2013 Home Business Bootcamp with Marketing Expert, George Kosch. Presented by Worldprofit Inc.

The April 19th, 2013 LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with marketing expert/instructor, George Kosch starte ...

'Ma, I'm hurt real bad.' Boston. April 15, 2013.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. To experience the joy of spring in New England and in its first ...

Ultimate Squeeze Page Builder [Finally]

back and tweak the squeeze page whenever they aren'tproducing the leads we want?I used to wish I could sh ...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

'I'm a girl, and by me that's only great'. Of Mrs. Thatcher, the Iron Lady and Max... and me.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. This is what she said. This is what the Iron Lady said on Januar ...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Need Traffic? Here's 12 Ways to Get it now!

Building a successful online business means having access to TRAFFIC - lots and LOTS of TRAFFIC.Traffic Gen ...

'So drop the top, baby, and let's cruise on into it's better than ever street.' The maid did it. Thoughts on Barbara Piasecka Johnson, the world's 149th richest person, dead at 76, April 1, 2013.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. This article is personal, for although I never actually met Barb ...

Review: George Kosch’s LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training April 12, 2013.

Today's LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training was a Question and Answer Session.People come to Worldprofit f ...

'How shall we extol thee...?' Thoughts on Margaret Thatcher, dead at 87, April 8, 2013, her irremovable place in History.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. If you want to know where someone is going, then look at where t ...

Are you sick of dieting?

Have you heard of the diet yo-yo? Most people trying to lose weight have.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutions ...

Monday, April 8, 2013

10 Legitimate Revenue Sources are a Click away

The key to making money online is having finger tip access to proven reputable products and services that you c ...

'I can't get no satisfaction.' The travails ahead threatening Generation X and what you can do about them.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. It is unquestionably one of the greatest rock songs ever written ...

'That Old Feeling.' Official information from your government on what to do and how to do it now that you're getting Social Security; facts that may surprise you.

by Dr. Jeffrey LantAuthor's program note. I became 66 just the other day and since I arranged everything ba ...

This BLEW my mind

I've gotta say I'm green with envy right now.This dude really has it all.== http://www.SmartWealthSolut ...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How to Improve Your Personal Life Avoiding Procrastination

How to Improve Your Personal Life Avoiding ProcrastinationLet?s face it, dealing with the obstacles of day to ...

Want to Find a Best CPA Offer? Read This!

Want to Find a Best CPA Offer? Read This!Cost per action (CPA), as we all know is an online marketing method ...

Strategies to Help Improve your Personal Life

Strategies to Help Improve your Personal LifeSetting up strategies to improve your personal life is only one ...

Strategies to Help Improve your Personal Life

Strategies to Help Improve your Personal LifeSetting up strategies to improve your personal life is only one ...

How to Network on Twitter to Drive Traffic

How to Network on Twitter to Drive TrafficWhen Twitter was launched, nobody ever knew that this was going to ...

this is ridiculous

I've got so much on my plate this week, it's silly but Isimply had to take some time off to watch this video. ...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training March 29, 2013 with George Kosch

Home Business Bootcamp Instructor,  George Kosch welcomed all Silver and Platinum VIP Members to the LIVE tra ...

Anthony Lewis, voice of sense and sensibility, amicus curiae. Dead at 85, Monday, March 25, 2013. And so are we all diminished.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. There it was, in his obituary. The smallest of details and yet a ...

[SEO Optimizer Pro] - Auto Submit to 700,000 Sites!

SEO Optimizer Pro is the most efficient,powerful, and completely automated wayto promote your website to ov ...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How to Control Anger?

How to Control Anger?Anger is the human quality, that's very bad for his health. People who get angry quickly ...

The 3 Things To Avoid When Emailing Your List

The 3 Things To Avoid When Emailing Your ListWhen you decide to have an opt-in list, it is not just a matter ...

Improve your Personal Life with Exercise

Improve your Personal Life with ExerciseExercise is good for everyone young and old. When having a regular ex ...

Accepting to Improve your Personal Life

Accepting to Improve your Personal LifeDo you have the ability to accept the things you can change and the th ...

Planning Weight Loss Regime for Children

Planning Weight Loss Regime for ChildrenIf your child has over weight problem, then you definitely need to ha ...

Tips for Finding the Best Weight Loss Supplements

Tips for Finding the Best Weight Loss SupplementsIt is advised to people who are planning to lose those extra ...

Discovering Values that Improve your Personal Life

Discovering Values that Improve your Personal LifeValues make us as a person and define how we invest our tim ...

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your ListAn opt-in list can be quite crucial to any site or inte ...

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your ListAn opt-in list can be quite crucial to any site or inte ...

Weight Loss Plan for Women over 40 and Meal Frequency

Weight Loss Plan for Women over 40 and Meal FrequencyMany people think that eating moderately gives best resu ...

Excellent Techniques to Prevent Worry

Excellent Techniques to Prevent WorryWorry is a state of mind, which pricks it like a needle. People, who hav ...

NEW Traffic SUITE for 2013… (75% Discount for 7 Days Only)

As you are reading this, Autopilot Traffic Suite 2.0just went live with a CRAZY 7 day special...For 7 day ...

NEW Traffic SUITE for 2013… (75% Discount for 7 Days Only)

As you are reading this, Autopilot Traffic Suite 2.0just went live with a CRAZY 7 day special...For 7 day ...

Monday, March 25, 2013

A starets called Rasputin, a Yankee classicist, The Holy Mountain above the restless cerulean sea ... God. Joy. Wonder.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.A starets called Rasputin, a Yankee classicist, The Holy Mountain above the restless ce ...

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training, March 22, 2013 with Marketing Expert George Kosch

REVIEW: March 22, 2013 LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with marketing expert, George Kosch.Welcome to ...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

That was SO weird (OPEN)

Sometimes that one unbelievable thing passes us by and we wonder"Where would we be if we hopped on the band ...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Why you will NEVER be rich. Why you will never live la dolce vita. And what you won't do about it.

by Dr. Jeffrey LantAuthor's program note. This is an article about something you've craved, desired, wished ...

'I am Akhmatova's Cat. Treat me well.'

by Dr. Jeffrey LantAuthor's program note. It came by courier about two months ago. I was at home, feeling p ...

Getting a grippe on common illnesses that lay us out and get us down. Timelythoughts on why cures don't happen.

by Dr. Jeffrey LantAuthor's program note. Are you familiar with "Guys and Dolls"? It's an American original ...

This BLEW my mind

I've gotta say I'm green with envy right now.This dude really has it all.== http://www.SmartWealthSolut ...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Importance of Goal Setting In Attaining Success

Importance of Goal Setting In Attaining SuccessThe necessity for setting up of a goal in attaining success can ...

Easy Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fats

Easy Tips to Get Rid of Belly FatsModern world has latest technology and in this hi tech age, it is mandatory ...

Can you rely on Get your ex back Products?

Can you rely on Get your ex back Products?There are innumerous getting your ex back products in the market and ...

Unlimited Social Traffic Leverage Social Networks to Drive Traffic

Unlimited Social Traffic Leverage Social Networks to Drive TrafficAre you a website owner and looking to drive ...

Changing Habits to Improve your Personal Life

Changing Habits to Improve your Personal LifeHabits, oh those nasty habits. Habits are developed from training ...

Seeking the Truth to Improve Your Personal Life

Seeking the Truth to Improve Your Personal LifeMendacities are the start of our troubles. When we lie, we buil ...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Easy Clickbank Commissions (automated software)

New Clickbank commissions software:== most of th ...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Unlimited Social Traffic Leverage Social Networks to Drive Traffic

Unlimited Social Traffic Leverage Social Networks to Drive TrafficAre you a website owner and looking to drive ...

Quick Techniques to Reduce Belly Fat

Quick Techniques to Reduce Belly FatAre you wondering how you can get rid of your belly fat and have a sexy, t ...

How To Get Your Subscribers Begging For More

How To Get Your Subscribers Begging For MoreJust as an experiment, a friend of mine subscribe to ten differe ...

Competence Leading to Improve Personal Life

Competence Leading to Improve Personal LifeDo you have the competence to improve your everyday living and over ...

Using Radio to Drive Consistent Traffic

Using Radio to Drive Consistent TrafficConsistent changes in the technology has transformed the way world work ...

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your ListAn opt-in list can be quite crucial to any site or inter ...

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your ListAn opt-in list can be quite crucial to any site or inter ...

4 Ways To Get Your Opt In Subscribers To Trust You Quickly

4 Ways To Get Your Opt In Subscribers To Trust You QuicklyWhile the rest of the world have developed many ba ...

How to Control Anger?

How to Control Anger?Anger is the human quality, that's very bad for his health. People who get angry quickly ...

Ultimate Squeeze Page Builder [Finally]

Are you as tired as I am of needing to spend hoursto create just one measly squeeze page?Does formatting ...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Forex Breakout System

Forex Breakout SystemAre you willing to get into Forex trading business? If you're really considering this as ...

Bigger Banks Better-Bigger Not Always Better

When we think of companies and the services they provide, we often assume that a big company is automatically b ...

Advertising: Relationships vs Business Decisions

Successful businesses know the importance of building and maintaining good working relationships, whether it is ...

how to look like an IDIOT (and other useful tips!)

After using the Internet  for over 12 years (that's 4380 daysfor those who are counting). I have YET to fig ...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Know the Details of the People You Want

Know the Details of the People You WantFinding a detailed report of the person you want is now a matter of few ...

Herbs That Contribute to Weight Loss

Herbs That Contribute to Weight LossIn the recent times, the use of herbs in the weight loss method is, catchi ...

Modern Opt-in List Building Through Email

Modern Opt-in List Building Through EmailYour opt-in email list is your medium in order to contact potential c ...

Changing Habits to Improve your Personal Life

Changing Habits to Improve your Personal LifeHabits, oh those nasty habits. Habits are developed from training ...

Follow These Tips & Get Your Ex Back

Follow These Tips & Get Your Ex Back

Rapid Cash Traffic Get Real Quick Traffic with Rapid Cash Traffic

Rapid Cash Traffic Get Real Quick Traffic with Rapid Cash TrafficThe Clickbank marketplace is filled with soft ...

Fabulous Techniques to Avoid Negative Attitude

Fabulous Techniques to Avoid Negative AttitudeOne of the main deciding factors between success and failure is ...

Healthy Weight Loss Techniques for Underage

Healthy Weight Loss Techniques for UnderageThe amount of overweight kids is, increasing with each passing day. ...

People-Finders for People Search in the USA

People-Finders for People Search in the USAPeople-Finder is an authentic website on the Internet that allows p ...

Do People Search Using Cell Phone Registry

Do People Search Using Cell Phone RegistryPeople living in any city, county, or state in the United States of ...

Monday, March 11, 2013

Crimal Background Check-Feel Safe And Secure In Your Neighborhood

What about that new single guy who has just moved to your neighborhood? He could possibly be a convicted sex of ...

Costa Rica Coffee-Keep Up With The Growing Market Of Coffee

If it's been a while since you tried Costa Rica coffee, you may want to try it again.  Changes in coffee prod ...

Backgroundcheck Org -Know What Your Rights Are

If you are looking for information on what may or may not be included in a back ground check, you should go to ...

Animals And Stress Relief Therapy

There are many experts who tout the advantages of animals and stress relief. According to science the very act ...

Animals And Stress Relief Therapy

There are many experts who tout the advantages of animals and stress relief. According to science the very act ...

Adult Vacation Spots You Should Avoid While On Spring Break

Spring break is a time of fun and a lot of drunken antics by the college communities out there. All those colle ...

Activities For Stress Relief

They say that exercise is one of the best activities for stress relief that you can do. And of all the exercise ...

10 Ways To Relieve Stress

Stress is not a very pleasant experience but unfortunately life throws situations full of incongruence at us th ...

Trapped by success, the brief highs and sad lows of Van Cliburn, the most famous concert pianist on Earth, dead at 78, February 27, 2013.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. On April 14, 1958 two gigantic nations, antithetical in viewpoin ...

Review: March 8, 2013 LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with Marketing Expert George Kosch

Today's LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with marketing expert, George Kosch, was PACKED!Topics, discus ...

Why you will NEVER be rich. Why you will never live la dolce vita. And what you won't do about it.

by Dr. Jeffrey LantAuthor's program note. This is an article about something you've craved, desired, wished ...

LAST CHANCE to grab your 'FREE Cash Generator'

This is an in-depth course showing you how tomake use of all the free and opensource resourcesonline to sta ...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

$1 Challenge: Internet Millionaire Looking For Students!

Hey, I just watched a cool video about an internet millionairewho is looking for students!He said, "Just ...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

This BLEW my mind

I've gotta say I'm green with envy right now.This dude really has it all.== http://www.SmartWealthSolut ...

Friday, March 8, 2013

This will drive visitors to your website, guaranteed...

If you can use more website visitors and online advertising,you'll want to read this message...Viral Ad L ...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Are you sick of dieting?

Have you heard of the diet yo-yo? Most people trying to lose weight have.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutions ...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ultimate Squeeze Page Builder [Finally]

Are you as tired as I am of needing to spend hoursto create just one measly squeeze page?Does formatting ...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

[Video] Outsourcing Your Tedious Tasks to Freelancers From Craigslist

FACT:Outsourcing and hiring people is a signthat your company is growing.BIG PROBLEM:The followin ...

Monday, March 4, 2013

'And the Cabots talk only to God.' My dismaying encounter with Henry Cabot Lodge, Ambassador to everywhere. Luncheon, Harvard, 1974.

Author's program note. This is the story of how a lifetime's respect and  admiration was destroyed in minutes ...

Marketer Confession Creates Controversy

Frankly, I agree with what this guy has done:=='s co ...

Marketer Confession Creates Controversy

Frankly, I agree with what this guy has done:=='s co ...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ninja Builds Lists...

Imagine how many more leads you could generate ifyou could make several complete squeeze page andthank-you ...

Friday, March 1, 2013

Ultimate Squeeze Page Builder [Finally]

Are you as tired as I am of needing to spend hoursto create just one measly squeeze page?Does formatting ...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

this is ridiculous

I've got so much on my plate this week, it's silly but Isimply had to take some time off to watch this video. ...

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

[SEO Optimizer Pro] - Auto Submit to 700,000 Sites!

SEO Optimizer Pro is the most efficient,powerful, and completely automated wayto promote your website to ov ...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Chris Welsh, one phone call, an autographed baseball card, and a sure-fire marketing device you should be using to make more money... but aren't! 'How I love a rainy night.'

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note.When we left the Dolphin Seafood Restaurant that evening in 1 ...

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, Feb 22, 2013. Presented by the online Home Business Experts at Worldprofit

George Kosch welcomed new Members to the training and directed them on what to do next to get started and enjoy ...

'Fortunate son.' The life and times of Stanley Karnow, equitable historian of the Vietnam War and of a great nation's mad divisiveness and self destruction; dead at 87, January 29, 2013.

Author's program note. I woke up lathered in sweat again, the way I had most every frightening night when every ...

'Fortunate son.' The life and times of Stanley Karnow, equitable historian of the Vietnam War and of a great nation's mad divisiveness and self destruction; dead at 87, January 29, 2013.

Author's program note. I woke up lathered in sweat again, the way I had most every frightening night when every ...

Super Quick & Easy

I just found a way to make some extra cashevery month, it's really easy and doesn'trequire any big investme ...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Need real traffic? Then you should be doing this...

This software is helping people DRAMATICALLYincrease their rankings, traffic and sales.Have a look here: ...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Awesome Niche Theme for WordPress - Plus Bonuses!

This is a hot WordPress theme forCreating awesome niche websites fast!Niche Website Theme just went on a ...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Need real traffic? Then you should be doing this...

This software is helping people DRAMATICALLYincrease their rankings, traffic and sales.Have a look here: ...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Can I build your list for you?

So...when we had 100 people on our list  = We were making $100 a month...when we had 1,000 people on ...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Expert SEO & Backlinking is NOW LIVE!! (Run, don't walk...)

Hi there,Just a quick email from me to let you know thatExpert SEO Backlinking is NOW live and I amoff ...

Are you on Google+?

Google+ is the hot new kid on the block inthe world of social networking, and withgood reason.= http:// ...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

'Riders on the storm.' A nor'easter wallops New England. Its aftermath, Sunday, February 10, 2013. The landscape of our mind changed.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Whatever you were doing, whatever you thought important a mom ...

Need real traffic? Then you should be doing this...

This software is helping people DRAMATICALLYincrease their rankings, traffic and sales.Have a look here: ...

Monday, February 11, 2013

'Girls, you know what they want.' Tales of Ma Pfeiffer, the quiddities and contortions of courtship, a world on the edge of destruction. Cornell College,1965.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. In 1946 Frank Capra (with whom I spent an afternoon while a g ...

'Girls, you know what they want.' Tales of Ma Pfeiffer, the quiddities and contortions of courtship, a world on the edge of destruction. Cornell College,1965.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. In 1946 Frank Capra (with whom I spent an afternoon while a g ...

Review LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Feb 8, 2013 with marketing expert, George Kosch

George Kosch started the LIVE Home Business Training with an overview of Worldprofit's Earn at home system. ...

'Varvara', a story of today's Russia... of love, lust, deceit... of international intrigue, email, muscles, murder... and poetry. A cautionary tale.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Dear friends, I am rushing to get the facts of this matter in ...

Ultimate Squeeze Page Builder [Finally]

Are you as tired as I am of needing to spend hoursto create just one measly squeeze page?Does formatting ...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

This will drive visitors to your website, guaranteed...

If you can use more website visitors and online advertising,you'll want to read this message...Viral Ad L ...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Get Rid Of That Pain In The Back With These Tips

Most people will experience back pain at some point in their lives. It is a very common condition that about 80 ...

Brighten Your Smile With This Useful Information

We all want to look great, and healthy teeth creates healthy smiles. Whiting your teeth can be a benefit not on ...

Back Pain Not Just A Pain In The Neck

Did you just hurt your back, and now you don't know what you're going to do? Back pain can be a bear to treat, ...

Advice On How To Manage Your Back Pain

Back pain strikes countless individuals and can range from a mild discomfort to a seriously disabling condition ...

Tips To Avoiding Many Email Marketing Scams

There are many fantastic benefits to having a solid e-mail marketing strategy. E-mail marketing is cost-effecti ...

Smart Ways To Use Email Marketing Today

Marketing your business is a big job. You need to have techniques and methods that allow you to target your cus ...

Use These Tips For A Dynamic Internet Marketing Campaign

If you knew a secret that would make your Internet business an overnight success, would you share it? One of th ...

Turning Your Ambition Into Internet Marketing GoldHave you ever wondered how some businesses got to be so successful on the internet? Their success did not come by luck, but it came by knowing how to market effectively on the internet. You can also gain that knowledge. Find out some of the things that these marketers did to achieve success.

Have you ever wondered how some businesses got to be so successful on the internet? Their success did not come ...

Solid Tips For Becoming A Better Email Marketer

If you want to learn what it takes to become successful with a subject like email marketing, then the tips from ...

Marketing Online Success

In order to achieve the highest level of marketing online success, you need a few basics. These "tools" will ma ...

Ultimate Squeeze Page Builder [Finally]

Are you as tired as I am of needing to spend hoursto create just one measly squeeze page?Does formatting ...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Turn Old Content Into Fresh Videos

Unleash Your Video Marketing Efforts to a NEW LEVEL- Create, Customize, and Produce Video Articles Almost ...

Monday, February 4, 2013

1965. My year in the heartland. 'It's still not too late to leave, Laddie.' 'Count me in.'

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I am still unclear even after all these years how I ended up ...

Getting tired of slap-happy search engines?

There's a certain very, very largeonline search engine...I don't want to name names, butit starts with ...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The most powerful video marketing software (You have ever seen)

Let me ask you something,Does your video marketing softwarerecord, edit, optimize, compress, upload,pub ...

The most powerful video marketing software (You have ever seen)

Let me ask you something,Does your video marketing softwarerecord, edit, optimize, compress, upload,pub ...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Getting tired of slap-happy search engines?

There's a certain very, very largeonline search engine...I don't want to name names, butit starts with ...

The most powerful video marketing software (You have ever seen)

Let me ask you something,Does your video marketing softwarerecord, edit, optimize, compress, upload,pub ...

Monday, January 28, 2013

U.S. Presidential Libraries. Time for radical rethinking as

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I admit it. I am a presidential buff. I have been for all of ...

U.S. Presidential Libraries. Time for radical rethinking as

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I admit it. I am a presidential buff. I have been for all of ...

5 Essentials every online marketer must know. If you are a new Affiliate Marketer read this!

So you want to make some extra money online by being an Affiliate Marketer. Affiliate marketing is fun and you' ...

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, Jan 25, 2013

Today's LIVE interactive training was a recap and demonstration session for showcasing the following tools incl ...

Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch, Jan 25, 2013

Today's LIVE interactive training was a recap and demonstration session for showcasing the following tools incl ...

'We'll always be bosom buddies.' An appreciation for the lives of Ann Landers and Abigail Van Buren and the warring twins who kept America on the straight and narrow, laughing the while.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. In 1955 when I was just 8 one of the happiest of books hit th ...

Easy Video Suite is LIVE

It's time,Easy Video Suite, the most powerfulvideo marketing software available,is now live.Get all ...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Traffic & Ranking In Google Is NOW EASY

This software will...-  Uncover Thousands of Lucrative Keywords in Seconds-  Search Multiple Seed Keywo ...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

'All I want is a whole lot of excess!' The joy -- and exhilarating successes --that come to marketers with determination and 'just a little touch of starquality!' Is that you?

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. I confess to a naughty obsession. Its name is Andrew Lloyd We ...

10 Marketing Mistakes Revealed!

By Sandi HunterI've been in the home business and online marketing industry for nearly 20 years. These are ...

Review: Jan 18, 2013 LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch.

To better meet the learning needs of both new Worldprofit Members and our more experienced Members, today's Hom ...

'But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather.' Of Aaron Swartz, 26, Internet visionary. Dead by his own hand, January 11, 2013.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.Author's program note. Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman and Aaron Swartz had been an ite ...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Easy Video Suite is LIVE

It's time,Easy Video Suite, the most powerfulvideo marketing software available,is now live.Get all ...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

See 2 POWERFUL Cash Funnels I Use To Earn Income Daily

KA-CHING! That is the sound of your first affiliatecommission if you take *IMMEDIATE* actionright now ...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Hey,Have you seen this yet? It's a pretty insane new system for making money ...

Popularity Of Blogs

Blogs have become very popular in recent years. They are great ways for a person to share their ideas and thoug ...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

how to look like an IDIOT (and other useful tips!)

After using the Internet  for over 12 years (that's 4380 daysfor those who are counting). I have YET to fig ...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Find a Reliable Affiliate Marketing Program

Find a Reliable Affiliate Marketing ProgramWant to start Internet marketing career with a reliable program tha ...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Parents - Follow These Tips to Encourage Your Children towards Weight Loss

Parents - Follow These Tips to Encourage Your Children towards Weight LossIncreasing obesity and difficult we ...

Auto Mass Traffic Generating Software

Auto Mass Traffic Generating SoftwareFor several years, people have been trying their best to come up with pr ...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

how to look like an IDIOT (and other useful tips!)

After using the Internet  for over 12 years (that's 4380 daysfor those who are counting). I have YET to fig ...

Monday, January 7, 2013

Review: Jan 4th, 2013 Home Business Bootcamp with marketing expert George KoschGeorge Kosch conducted his first Home Business Bootcamp training session of the new year on Friday Jan 4th, 2013

George Kosch conducted his first Home Business Bootcamp training session of the new year on Friday Jan 4th, 201 ...

My father. The call made to me. The call that will be made for me. Somethoughts.

by  Dr. Jeffrey Lant.It was the call one dreads to hear, the call that one has pondered, tried to dodge, ...

Are you sick of dieting?

Have you heard of the diet yo-yo? Most people trying to lose weight have.== http://www.SmartWealthSolutions ...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

[Secrets REVEALED]: Get FRESH Unlimited Leads For ANY Business... For REAL

It's Finally Here...This internet marketing guide will give newbies and IM veteransalike the key methods ...